1981 89.2 Million Board Feet
1982 156.6
1983 303.6
1984 290.3
1985 286.3
1986 354.7
1987 410.9
1988 407.7
1989 531.9
1990 506.1
1991 454.6
1992 445.7
1993 410.4
1994 287.3
1995 353
1996 330.1
1997 383.5
1998 216.6
1999 239.
2000 160.6
2001 119.8
2002 101.7
2003 105.7
2004 98.9
2005 103.9
2006 71.2
2007 59.7
2008 57.9
2009 56.6
2010 73
2011 66.3
Source: USDA-Forest Service, Alaska Region, draft Timber Supply and Demand Report, ANILCA Section 706(a), 2001-2005.
For years 2006-2012, USDA-Forest Service, Alaska Region, draft Timber Supply and Demand Report, ANILCA Section 706(a), Appendices,